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Content is King: Everything You Should Consider before Writing Content for Your New Website

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The content writers at Robert Sharp & Associates have written countless websites over the last couple decades. Well-versed in the in’s and out’s of search engine optimization, the innate desire to convert customers, and the importance of developing sound content that resonates with your audience, we’re here to provide you with a starter’s guide to developing content for your business’ website.

Like any skill, content writing is not a skill that comes easy to everyone, and oftentimes can feel quite cumbersome. Whether you’re a writing novice or a pro writer, we encourage you to best prepare yourself with the resources you’ll need to start crafting superb website content. To make your life easier, we’ve outlined our top preparation tips below:

  • Get to know your business objectives on a molecular level: This step can be as easy as reviewing your business’ mission statement, vision statement, and your overall ambitions for your business, and its accompanying website.
  • Organize the different topics/subject matter you aim to convey on your website: Perhaps the most important step in preparing to write content for your website is identifying and organizing the variety of topics you aim to convey on your website. Whether you jot the topics down on a piece of paper or type them into your content document, you’ll find ease in developing a website outline based on the key concepts you write down.
  • Start planning your website outline: Embarking on your content writing journey is much easier with a clear vision of the pages that will be on your website. Using the key topics you jotted down, spend time arranging a website outline that is conducive of the user experience. Consider key site pages, sub-pages, and pages that may not need to be in your site’s navigation. Don’t forget to include your Homepage and Contact Page in your outline! If you need help visualizing the right outline for your site, consider looking at similar competitors in your industry for inspiration.
  • Familiarize yourself with the audience you’re writing for: Many businesses neglect to recognize the way they write content for their website should be tailored for their target audience, not themselves as employees of a business. Similar to the way you would conduct an audience analysis in developing a marketing strategy, take some time to identify and assess the varied audiences who will be visiting your website. Take time to consider these audiences’ varied needs and wants from your website.
  • Start thinking about the conversion funnels on your website: Translating your desired conversion funnels to your website may seem like a burden, but can be quite easy, so long as you have a clear understanding of the actions you’d like your customers to take on your website. For example, if you are a pet grooming business looking to take appointments online, it’s important to consider how/where your customers will be able to make an appointment after reading your list of services. By painting a clear picture of how your customers will be able to convert throughout your website, you’ll find it much easier to craft content around your conversion actions.
  • When in doubt, ask for help: We can’t say this enough. Writing content for websites is not for the light-hearted and can take a considerable amount of time to do. If you are unsure if you have the time or skills to create website content that stands out, look to a marketing agency like Robert Sharp & Associates to give you a hand. No matter the subject matter or size of your intended website, having a tried and true team of skilled content writers at your fingertips can not only save you valuable time in the long-run, but can also save you money.

Stay tuned for the next installment of our next Content is King series where we’ll share our top tips and considerations for creating kickass website content!

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